From design to disposal, we consider the full lifecycle of our eco-conscious travel goods. Whether they help you to pass on single-use plastics when you travel, or turning your daily routine, green with our everyday lifestyle goods.
When we launched OneNine5 in 2019, we had a primary aim to tackle the single-use plastics problem at airport security, with our Eco-Conscious Wash Bag.
We estimate that over 150 million single-use clear plastic bags are picked up by passengers to carry their liquids and cosmetics through UK airports, every year. With this sustainable swap to our reusable pouch, we’ve removed 1000s of single-use plastic bags from airports worldwide.

When space is at a premium on your travels and you are cramming everything into your suitcase, those mini toiletry bottles are convenient space-savers.
However, they're not quite as convenient to dispose of. it is estimated that over 100 million of these mini toiletries bottles are purchased annually in the UK, creating 980 tonnes of waste. With our reusable silicone travel bottles, you can ditch single-use plastic on your travels, and opt for a reusable option.
We design our products to be well used for years to come. They need to be up-to the challenge of your daily lifestyle and adventurous travel plans. Yet we’re also realistic, and most products will need to be disposed of eventually. It should be the responsibility of the producer to provide safe disposal of their products, at the end of life.
With the rise of fast fashion, the UK discards around a million tonnes of textiles each year and we don’t want to contribute to that problem. We offer a free post Return-to-Recycle scheme, ensuring that the materials from our eco-conscious travel goods are either reused or recycled.
If you wanted additional ideas to safely dispose of your OneNine5 travel goods, we’ve shared some ideas in this blog post.